What does divorce entail?

Everyone's divorce process is different, but all divorces start with a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, and end with a Final Judgment. During the divorce process, you can expect to resolve the issue of how to fairly divide all of the assets and liabilities obtained during the marriage, all issues relating to minor children, if any, issues of spousal support in some cases, and all other pending issues unique to your case. While most cases will be settled out of court by entering into a Marital Settlement Agreement, some cases will proceed to trial, where a Judge can decide all outstanding issues.

How long will my divorce take?

While this is a very common question, it is more difficult to answer. There are a myriad of factors that determine the duration of a divorce, including whether the parties have obtained property during the marriage, whether there are minor children involved, whether both parties hire an attorney, and many, many more. Contact us today so we can give you a better estimated based on your personalized situation. 

How much will divorce cost me?

Another good question with many variables affecting the answer! While every case is different, thus causing variability in cost, we can promise you one thing: each client can expect a thorough and transparent explanation as to what they can expect their divorce to cost. Our clients will never be subjected to "mystery costs" or surprises. We are also able to work with you to make obtaining competent legal counsel an obtainable goal within your financial circumstances. 

How much child support will I get? 

In Florida, child support is calculated with a child support guidelines worksheet. The calculation factors in the net income of both parents, and how much each parent pays per month for health insurance, day care costs, and uncovered medical costs on a monthly basis. The calculation also varies depending on how many overnights each parent spends with the children. Contact us today to determine how much child support you will receive depending on your family's unique financial situation. 

Do I need an attorney, or can I get divorced my myself? 

While hiring an attorney can seem like a daunting and expensive task, it's also an investment into your future. Hiring an attorney who understands the complexities of the law will ensure that you achieve your legal goals in the most efficient way. This can lead to a shorter divorce process that more completely deals with all the issues on the table. Most jurisdictions have self-help desks where you can pick up form documents on your own. However, we always recommend hiring an attorney to make sure you are properly represented. 

I have an attorney but I am not happy, what do I do?

Being confident that your attorney is doing the best possible job is very important! While it can be difficult for a new attorney to pick up where someone else left off, you need to think about your family, your future, and what is best for you! If you believe your needs are not being met, contact us to see how we can assist you.